Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Desperately Seeking Our All in All (Psalm 28:1-2)

God is our all in all. He is our everything. Like the psalmist, we proclaim: "You are my Lord; apart from you I have no good thing" (Psalm 16:2).

Since we hold this conviction that God is our all in all, the question is how does this influence our prayer life especially in times of great need? I propose that it should make us desperate for him. We should be desperate for him to hear and answer us.

The greatest fear of the psalmist were not his troubles, though they were surely enormous and overwhelming. His greatest fear were not his enemies, though they were surely cruel and brutal. The greatest fear of the psalmist was the Lord's abandonment-- that is if the Lord shall not listen to his prayers.

If the Lord remains silent, he says he will be "like those who go down to the pit"-- which is a euphemism for death. A life without God's involvement is hopeless. It is death sentence. Without God on our side, it's game over. So let all things go wrong! Let all things be out of place! But God must be on your side. You should not pray as if you have other options suppose God doesn't answer. You should not pray as if God is merely Plan A, and you can execute Plan B suppose God remains silent. Plead earnestly, "Listen to me my Lord; You are my only hope. I have no other place to go."

  • He is our light and salvation (Psa. 27:1). Without him, there is only darkness and destruction.
  • He is our bread of life (John 6:35). Nothing else shall satisfy our starving souls.
  • He is our providing shepherd (Psalm 23). Without him, we can never find green pastures and refreshing waters.
  • He is the only way to the Father (John 14:6). Without him, we shall all go astray.
  • He is our refuge and fortress (Psa. 46:1,11). Outside of him, we will be exposed to all sorts of dangers.
  • He is our strength (Psa. 46:1). Without him, all that is left in us is weakness.
  • He is our wisdom (1 Cor. 1:24). Without him, nothing but foolishness remains in us.

So call upon His name as a person who could go no where else-- a man who seeks his only hope desperately.


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